SCUBA and Snorkeling Classes
To sign up for any class or to find out when they are offered, please contact us.
We have classroom space and a heated pool on site in Rye, NH. Come learn to dive with the best in the business!
This course is for anyone 8 years of age or older who would like to experience the underwater world. We provide a safe and comfortable snorkeling experience for those who are interested in a unique adventure. This course combines basic surface snorkeling and surface diving skills. This course includes 1 classroom session and 1 pool session.
Open Water Scuba Diver
This program is for the individual who is seeking Scuba certification. The course is approximately 30 hours of private or semi-private Scuba instruction. Private instruction enables our instructors to provide a safe and comfortable diving experience that meets your individual needs. This is a complete Scuba course that combines instruction in basic watermanship skills, diving theory, and practical diving experience. The emphasis will be on making you a safe, self-sufficient, and self-reliant diver. Certification cards will be issued upon completion. This course includes at least 5 classroom sessions, 5 pool sessions, and 5 ocean dives. All equipment will be provided for the length of the course.
Scuba Skills Update
If it’s been a while since your were last out in the ocean, then it would be a good idea to do a skills update. A certified Divemaster or Instructor will spend time with you answering any questions and also working with you in the pool to make sure all open water skills are up to date.
Buddy Aid and Assist
What does it mean to be a good buddy and what should you expect out of your buddy? Never Dive Alone. This course will redefine buddy diving. You will learn what skills and equipment you and your buddy need in order to perform safely as a buddy team. You will also learn how to select a buddy and when to say NO to your buddy. Some of the skills that will be taught include: what to do when you buddy loses a tank or swims away. You will also learn how to handle the situation of being paired up with an unknown buddy. This course includes 4 hours of classroom time and 2 hours of pool time.
Advanced Open Water Diver
What every diver should know before they purchase any scuba equipment will be covered in this program. If you ever have experienced equipment problems in the water or have not felt totally comfortable on a dive, then this program is for you. The emphasis of this course is on local diving including proper thermal protection, weighting, and air control. These subjects are all covered in greater depth than your open water scuba class. The diving theory far exceeds other programs used for advanced diver certification. This program is specifically designed to teach divers the proper use of the different styles of scuba equipment — Jacket vs. Back Buoyancy, Integrated vs. Conventional Weight Systems, Steel vs. Aluminum Tanks, Vented vs. Paddle Fins, and Wet vs. Dry Suits. This course includes 15 hours of classroom and pool training. We will supply all of the equipment necessary for the course.
Enriched Air Nitrox
Learn to dive safer! Nitrox is for everyone. You don’t need to dive deeper or stay longer to appreciate the benefits of using Nitrox. The emphasis of this class will be on recreational diving in the 40- to 80-foot range. In this class, the student will learn decompression theory as well as the real causes of decompression sickness (the bends). The student will also learn how Nitrox will enhance your diving and make you safer and more comfortable in the above mentioned depth range. Upon completion of the course, students will receive an Enriched Air Nitrox Certification card. This course includes 4 hours of classroom time, 2 hours of lab time, 2 Enriched Air Nitrox fills, and equipment preparation of your gear.
Dry Suit Course
This course will cover the selection and use of a dry suit. The program is designed for the advanced-level diver wishing to extend their season into colder water. Theory and function of neoprene, tri-lam and vulcanized rubber suits will be covered. Other topics that will be discussed include undergarment selection for varying temperatures and weighting for various conditions. This course is a must for all dry-suit enthusiasts, also includes full face mask training. This course includes 2 hours of classroom time, 2 hours of pool time, and 2 hours in the ocean.
First Aid/CPR/Oxygen Administration
This course will teach the certified diver how to handle minor emergency situations. The student is taught Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) as well as how to be a first responder when an accident occurs. The treatment for the majority of water accidents is the delivery of 100% pure oxygen to the victim. This course will teach the student the correct way to handle and deliver 100% pure oxygen to someone in need.
Compass Course
This course will teach the art of reading a compass underwater and using it as a primary navigation tool. During the class, students will be brought into the ocean and given the chance to put to use the skills they have acquired. This course includes 2 hours of classroom time and 2 hours in the ocean.